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About the Department

Panchakarma is a cleansing method aimed at removing unwanted waste from the body after first lubricating it. The term “panch” (meaning five) and “karma” (procedures) signifies the five distinctive procedures involved.

This treatment approach is exceptional as it encompasses preventive, curative, and promotive measures for various diseases. Panchakarma is scientifically structured and categorized into three parts:

  • Poorva karma (pre-operative management procedures):
    • Snehana: Also known as medicated oleation, it maintains the body’s physiological balance by preserving unctuousness, softness, liquidity, and sliminess.
    • Swedana: Referred to as medicated sudation, this process induces perspiration, alleviating stiffness and heaviness while naturally calming the individual.
  • Pradhan karma (main operative management procedures):
    • Vamana karma: Medicated emesis
    • Virechan karma: Medicated purgation
    • Vasti:
      • Niruha vasti: Medicated enema using decoction
      • Anuvasana vasti: Medicated enema using oil
    • Nasya karma: Administration of medicine through the nasal route
    • Raktamokshan: Bloodletting

Pashchat karma (post-operative management procedures):

  • This phase involves aftercare, where specific precautions are taken post-procedure to maximize the benefits of panchakarma. It includes rejuvenating treatments, Rasayana therapy, lifestyle and diet management, and the intake of herbal supplements.

mpcams doctor

Dr. Anand Singh