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About the Department

Kayachikitsa holds a prominent position as one of the eight integral branches of Ayurveda. It specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of various disorders, including geriatric medicine (Rasayana), aphrodisiac medicine (Vajikarana), skin diseases, diabetes, and other lifestyle-related ailments. The Kayachikitsa department serves as the backbone of Ayurvedic medicine, addressing conditions such as skin disorders, diabetes, tuberculosis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and many others through Ayurvedic treatment modalities.

Department Activities:

  • Promotion of awareness regarding both physical and mental well-being.
  • Education on suitable dietary and lifestyle practices (pathya-apathya aahara-vihara).
  • Clinical management of lifestyle disorders, psychiatric conditions, degenerative disorders, skin diseases, and geriatric ailments.
  • Treatment of various joint and neuromuscular diseases.
  • Clinical management of diabetes, hypertension, and thyroid disorders.
mpcams doctor

Dr. Sadhana Yadav