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About the college

Maharana Pratap College of Ayurveda and Medical Sciences is committed to furnishing thorough training programs in Ayurvedic medicine, ensuring our students receive a holistic education in this time-honored healing tradition. Our curriculum covers a broad spectrum of subjects, enabling students to cultivate a profound comprehension of Ayurvedic principles and methodologies.

Anatomy and physiology are fundamental components of our educational framework, furnishing students with insights into the human body and its operations from an Ayurvedic standpoint. This knowledge serves as the bedrock for identifying and addressing imbalances within the body.

Central to Ayurveda, herbal medicine is extensively studied to ensure our students are adept in the therapeutic properties of diverse herbs and plants. They learn the preparation and application of herbal remedies to facilitate healing and restore equilibrium.

Massage, another pivotal facet of Ayurveda, is imparted to students as a therapeutic modality for fostering relaxation, enhancing circulation, and purifying the body. They gain hands-on proficiency in various massage techniques and comprehend their tailored benefits for distinct conditions.

Mindfulness practices and meditation are integral to Ayurvedic medicine, fostering overall well-being and equilibrium. Students become versed in diverse meditation techniques and their utility in nurturing mental and emotional health.

Dietary principles are underscored to enlighten students about the nexus between food and health. They acquire knowledge of Ayurvedic nutrition, including the concept of individual body types or doshas, and learn to devise personalized dietary regimens to restore equilibrium and prevent ailments.

The philosophy and tenets of Ayurveda are explored extensively, enabling students to grasp the underlying ideologies and approach to health and wellness. They comprehend the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit, and appreciate the holistic essence of Ayurvedic healing.

Our flagship undergraduate program, the Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S), spans approximately five and a half years. This program blends theoretical learning with hands-on training at our esteemed Maharana Pratap College of Ayurveda and Medical Sciences. Through a comprehensive curriculum, students establish a robust foundation in Ayurvedic theory and accrue practical experience in diagnosing and treating patients.

Upon successful completion of the B.A.M.S program, our graduates qualify as licensed Ayurvedic practitioners. They possess the requisite knowledge and skills to administer competent and holistic care to individuals and communities, advocating health and wellness through Ayurvedic principles.

In addition to the undergraduate program, B.A.M.S graduates are eligible for roles as Medical Officers, affording them opportunities to serve in diverse healthcare settings, including government hospitals and clinics. Moreover, those inclined to specialize and deepen their expertise can pursue postgraduate programs in specialized branches of Ayurvedic Medicine, thus augmenting their proficiency in specific domains of interest.

At Maharana Pratap College of Ayurveda and Medical Sciences, we endeavor to equip our students with a comprehensive grasp of Ayurveda, empowering them to contribute to the welfare of individuals and society at large. Our programs nurture a profound appreciation for the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda while integrating contemporary scientific knowledge, ensuring our graduates are aptly prepared for a gratifying career in Ayurvedic medicine.